I love a bargain on Ebay... every now and then I find a great one.
14 square metres of paving stones for a song and the seller was happy to deliver them and help stack them. Thanks!
14 square metres of paving stones for a song and the seller was happy to deliver them and help stack them. Thanks!
I cleared the old crushed quartz from the area outside the guest room (putting it all on the ground in the bush house). Spread out cracker dust over the area and laid them all out over a few evenings after work... you gotta love daylight saving too!
The result is a wonderful patio that will no doubt be a fantastic place to sit and read a book, glass of wine or to even a quiet moment or two, especially when the grape vines grows over the top.
Just walking under the small coverage that exists now is to experience a drop in temperature and a subtle 'mood' change. It was certainly hot, sweaty work and gave me a few blisters before I remembered to wear gloves.
It is an absolute joy to slowly day by day see the changes around the place and to know that everything happens because of our own blood, sweat and tears! I do look forward so much to the day we start on the house... just the extra dollars all at once! That day will come!!!
Meanwhile Charles is happy... there are a couple of Thistles growing in the paddock. Reminds him of the land of his birth!
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