Dec 14, 2011

Hi Monty or is it Kaa?

The wildlife is out on the prowl! (or slither!)

Unfortunately with the new chicks that have just hatched and the possibility of a few more soon, our local Carpet Python (is it Monty?) has turned up.

The ducks are probably a little too big for him, but those cute little fluffy chicks would make a delicious entree. Charles took these photos while I was at the office. The python over 2 metres long.

After taking a few close up photos the python flicked it's tongue and hissed at Charles before slithering off down the bank and luckily away from the gardens and Chook-house.

We have seen the odd grass snake this season but this is the first time we have seen the python since just after we moved in. Oh! there is always the resident black snake that lives in the shed but he moves away from us very quickly if he sees us or we surprise one another!

No red bellied black snakes this year so far though and luckily we have not come across any of those nasty brown snakes at all!!! Touch wood!

Well, You live in the bush you've got to expect the wildlife!!!

Dec 10, 2011

More and more work to do (and done)


I love a bargain on Ebay... every now and then I find a great one.

14 square metres of paving stones for a song and the seller was happy to deliver them and help stack them. Thanks!

I cleared the old crushed quartz from the area outside the guest room (putting it all on the ground in the bush house). Spread out cracker dust over the area and laid them all out over a few evenings after work... you gotta love daylight saving too!

The result is a wonderful patio that will no doubt be a fantastic place to sit and read a book, glass of wine or to even a quiet moment or two, especially when the grape vines grows over the top.

Just walking under the small coverage that exists now is to experience a drop in temperature and a subtle 'mood' change. It was certainly hot, sweaty work and gave me a few blisters before I remembered to wear gloves.

It is an absolute joy to slowly day by day see the changes around the place and to know that everything happens because of our own blood, sweat and tears! I do look forward so much to the day we start on the house... just the extra dollars all at once! That day will come!!!

Meanwhile Charles is happy... there are a couple of Thistles growing in the paddock. Reminds him of the land of his birth!

Dec 8, 2011

Just a Few Pictures From Wanungara

The orchard is delivering us some beautifully tasty fruit at the moment and the best is the two apple trees we bought from Daleys Nursery. We relocated the electric fence to entwine the fruit trees and allow the cows access to the long grass that was covering the bank and spreading into the lawn area. the cows have now eaten all the grass and the orchard is benefiting from the manure.

we have also been planting lots of flowering plants where we can so that the bees are invited into the garden to help with pollination and also to add some colour around the place... there's a lot of 'green' around here and a splash of colour makes a big difference.

we have also used up some of the lattice that we were given when we bought the long poles (used up by the shed to add a bush house and outside the guest room for the grape vines) on the west-side of the cottage to add a bit of shade, protection and aesthetics to the BBQ/pizza oven patio area.

and after all this... every now and then... we can sit back and enjoy a nice cold homebrew!!! (even me when I don't have the camera in my hand.)

Dec 6, 2011

The Mystery Continues...

Charles adds more form work to the structure... we have been asked if it's a plunge pool, cellar, water feature or a breeding place for the famous Bufo Marinus.

A few rocks placed carefully here and there and 'hey presto' we have walls... a bit of hard work and a pathway appears.

Its getting too hot to work outside during most of the day so things have slowed a little but with the cooler weather we are having now we should (hopefully) have a bit more done soon.

In the meantime we have just added a few extra touches .

Dec 5, 2011

Meet the Ducks, Disco and Shuggie

A local woman who sells chickens (and also supplied us with some of our hens) found out that we had Plymouth Rock hens and asked us if we would sell them to her but we kept them ourselves, however, after two have passed away due to old age and the last one not getting any younger she offered to take her in exchange for two pullets.

We ended up with two young ducklings (she knew I had a duck before and love the taste of duck eggs), Shuggie and Disco.

Poor Shuggie was gravely ill after a week of being here and we thought we would lose him/her (lost control of the legs and wasn't eating a lot) but after 2 weeks... what a change. still shaky on the legs but every day was a big improvement.

It's amazing just how quickly they grow. they now live in the opposite veggie garden to the chooks and have plenty of shade and protection from the numerous hawks and from the many pigeons that are now hanging around after the chook food that doesn't get eaten due to the bird netting we have installed over the gardens.

I spent Saturday designing and building a Duck House that can be moved from garden to garden as required. Cutting the wheels of the bottom of the old BBQ allowed me to create the perfect mobile Duck Home...