Jul 4, 2011


Our little feral chicken (Cheryl) that arrived and made the hen house home had recently turned broody, so Charles decided to stick a few eggs under her to incubate. The eggs are probably from the 2 Australorps rather than the 2 older Plymouth Rock hens.

The result has been 3 Cicks that are now bigger than she is... she has been the perfect mother and even though they spent the first few weeks inside with us (getting attached to Charles and cheeping away most of the night!) they still bonded with her as soon as we returned them to the pen.

They are now a lot bigger and are starting to stand up for themselves and joining the pecking order but theyare still feeling their way as the older birds attack them when food is about (they have speed on their side for now!)

Russell attacks them too, he hasn't taken any other interest in them yet. and we are not sure yet if any of them are little roosters... but worse case scenario is a Sunday roast!!!

Mmmm! Tastes like chicken!