Aug 19, 2010

If You Build It They Will Come

The Rammed Earth Chookhouse is finally finished...

It took a lot of labour, earth and pain, but I think it was well worth it! The result is a work of art, a chookhouse to be proud of and one that will keep the girls warm, cool and above all safe!!!

The whole pen covers a huge area but is divded into 4 areas which are all indivually accessed by both human and chicken (the latter only by opening one of the 4 doors bult into the walls). This enables us to rotate the chickens as we rotate the veggie garden beds.

And so they arrive... I did say "build it and they will come!" Or someone more famous once did.

We have bought 4 mongrel hens for their hardiness and 4 pure bred Dark Barred Plymouth Rock hens for.... Well, you will just have to ask Charles that one!
He wants a DB Plymouth Rock rooster now. Hmmm, chicken fancying anyone???

Next on the list is the electric fence and then our little lawn mowers... More soon ----->>>>
