We now have a new edition to the family as of last night...
Nikki had her calf, we heard nothing! but Rebekah who was staying in the guest room, heard what she thought was a cow in labour late in the night. Didn't think much about it this morning but when we returned from town with a load of work for ourselves... lo' and behold a little black Dexter calf was in the paddock.
It has been cool and raining the last 2-3 months and on the first stinking hot day for ages the poor thing had to be born the night before. Bekky as we have named her, is a little heat stressed at the moment, but all attempts to get them all in the shade we have erected over the pen so far, has failed, so we'll try again to entice them in later when it's cooler.
At least she appears healthy and happy! as does Mum.