The view north over to Wanungara and Limpinwood Valley.
The name "Wanungara" refers to the Yugambeh legend of how the rivers were born.
The story* tells that long, long ago, Wanungara, Queen of the Mountains, had twin daughters the silver streams, Princesses Tooloona and Caningera (Canungra).
They planned to flow to the ocean northwards by young Jamborin (Tamborine) then eastwards overtaking the waters of the Koomooroo (Coomera) Princesses, daughters of Illinbah and Hobwee, who were betrothed to Jamborin, but Queen Wanungara was sad as her daughters had defied her wishes. For centuries, she had watched across a great valley to lonely, isolated, Nimbin and wished her daughters would go that way to the ocean.
In her wrath and despair she sent rain, wind and flood.
The frightened Princesses ran wildly trying vainly to cross the hills where the Koomooroo Princesses were flooding the foothills of Jamborin. Drenched by the fury of Wanungara's wrath, Jamborin sent his flood waters down to the loyal Koomooroo Princesses, down past Illinbah and Hobwee, eastward to the ocean.
The mountains, rivers and valleys have grown very old. You may stand on old Jamborin's southern shoulder and see the valleys of the Koomooroo and Caningera carved so deep that there can be no turning back or joining together.
* This story was translated by Arthur Groom in the late 1930s